Starker Mitigation Bank
North Carolina
HUC 03050101/ Catawba River Basin
WLS Catawba 01 Umbrella Bank-Starker Site is a mitigation bank located in Catawba County, NC within the Catawba River Basin Watershed (HUC 03050101). The project provides stream mitigation credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
The proposed mitigation activities will result in a significantly higher functioning aquatic ecosystem. The project goals and objectives address water quality stressors by reducing nutrient and sediment inputs through stream restoration, riparian buffer restoration, and riparian wetland rehabilitation. Hydrologic functions will be improved by raising the local water table. The biologic and habitat functions will be improved by the revegetation of the riparian buffers.
During Construction
Primary Service Area:
Catawba River Basin
Project Goals
The Project mitigation goals are to provide numerous water quality and ecological benefits within the Lyle Creek sub-basin and Catawba River watersheds.
- Restore aquatic habitats that are currently degraded by cattle access and bank erosion.
- Improve water quality by excluding cattle.
- Restore riparian buffers.
- Stabilize streams that are part of a WS-IV watershed.
- Serve to continue existing water quality initiatives that are on-going in the watershed.
- Enhance/restore riparian wetlands by reconnecting the stream to its historic floodplain.