Little Indian Creek Mitigation Bank
West Virginia
HUC 05020003, HUC 05020005, HUC 05020004, HUC 05020001, HUC 05020002, HUC 05020006
Little Indian Creek Mitigation Bank is a 30-acre site located in the Little Indian Creek Wildlife Management Area, Monongalia County, West Virginia, within the Upper Monongahela Watershed (HUC 05020003).
The bank was approved by USACE Pittsburgh District in August 2023 for a potential of 17,901.80 stream and 19.6 wetland credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States within the Upper Monongahela watershed (HUC 05020003).
Its secondary service area includes Tygart Valley (HUC 05020001), West Fork (HUC 05020002), Cheat (HUC 05020004), Dunkard (HUC 05020005), and Youghiogheny (HUC 05020006) watersheds.

During Construction
Primary Service Area:
Little Indian Creek Wildlife Management Area, Monongalia County
Available Credit Type(s):
Wetland, Stream
Easement Acres:
Linear Feet of Stream:
Little Creek’s mitigation plan includes the re-establishment of the stream channel and connectivity between the stream and its historic floodplain; improve stream geomorphology to reduce erosion and sedimentation; reforestation of riparian buffers with high-quality, native species; restoration of the wetland habitat and microtopography; restore/re-establish and enhance stream and groundwater exchange and floodplain connectivity; restoration of disturbed wetlands; and plant native species to increase vegetation and habitat diversity.