Granary Mitigation Bank
Upper Sciot Watershed (05060001)
Granary Mitigation Bank is a mitigation bank located in the Bucyrus Township, Crawford County, Ohio within the Upper Scioto Watershed (HUC 05060001).
The project provides stream and wetland mitigation credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
Granary Mitigation Bank will enhance aquatic resources within the Upper Sciot watershed for the purpose of improving the chemical, physical, and biological integrity.
During Construction
Primary Service Area:
Upper Sciot Watershed (05060001)
Credit Type:Â
Granary Mitigation Bank Goals and objectives will improve and protect diverse aquatic resources by applying process, form, ecological, and hydraulic based approaches to improving aquatic functions to on-site stream and wetlands.
Below are specific watershed goals:
- Restore stream-floodplain processes.
- Re-establish wetland habitats and microtopography.
- Provide long-term protection and management.