Caw Caw River Mitigation Bank
South Carolina
03050205, 03050206, 03050203, 03050204
The Caw Caw Swamp Mitigation Bank located in Charleston and Dorchester Counties, South Carolina within the Stono River Watershed (HUC 03050202). The project provides wetland mitigation credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
The CCSMB is uniquely positioned within the Stono River Watershed to benefit from the growth and development to the east, by providing compensatory mitigation to development interests, as well as contribute to ongoing conservation efforts to the west.
CCSMB includes functional wetland systems capable of providing wetland services and functions, including floodwater storage, wildlife habitat and water quality protections, on a watershed and regional scale. The preservation and enhancement/restoration proposed will provide important physical, chemical, and biological functions and contribute significantly to the ecological sustainability of the watershed and downstream traditional, navigable waters.
During Construction
Service Area(s):
Stono River (03050202)
Cooper River (03050201)
Available Credit Type(s):
Wetland Enhancement/Restoration:Â 78 acres of forested wetlands previously impacted by historic and ongoing silviculture activities will be removed from silviculture management and restored to a diverse wetland system dominated by native hardwoods protected in perpetuity.
Wetland Preservation:Â 95 acres of wetlands that remain in an essentially natural state will be preserved in perpetuity.
Stream Preservation:Â 4,660 LF of Perennial Streams will be preserved in perpetuity.
Upland Buffer:Â 52 acres (95.16 acres of restoration and 26.36 acres of preservation) of upland buffer will be established and protected in perpetuity.