Beidler Forest Spring Branch Mitigation Bank
South Carolina
03050205, 03050206, 03050203, 03050204
The Beidler Forest Mitigation Bank (BFMB) is located in Dorchester County on a portion of the 18,000-acre Audubon Frances Beidler Forest preserve. The mitigation bank, approved in August of 2019, aims to restore the forested wetlands to a diverse vegetative wetland system.
Uniquely positioned within the Four Holes Swamp Watershed, the BFMB provides compensatory mitigation to offset impacts from development along the I-26 and I-95 corridors. Discontinuing silviculture activities the on-site wetlands systems will begin the process of succession to a natural, undisturbed state. Replanting native hardwoods expedites vegetative succession within these ecosystems.
During Construction
Service Area(s):
Four Holes Swamp HUC 03050205 (primary)
Edisto River HUC 03050206 (Secondary)
North Fork Edisto HUC 03050203 (Secondary)
South Fork Edisto HUC 03050204 (Secondary)
Available Credit Type(s):
Wetland Enhancement/Restoration:Â 78 acres of forested wetlands previously impacted by historic and ongoing silviculture activities will be removed from silviculture management and restored to a diverse wetland system dominated by native hardwoods protected in perpetuity.
Wetland Preservation:Â 95 acres of wetlands that remain in an essentially natural state will be preserved in perpetuity.
Stream Preservation:Â 4,660 LF of Perennial Streams will be preserved in perpetuity.
Upland Buffer:Â 52 acres (95.16 acres of restoration and 26.36 acres of preservation) of upland buffer will be established and protected in perpetuity.