Hodgson Mitigation Bank




Licking Watershed (HUC 05040006)

Project In Development

Hodgson Mitigation Bank project is in the HUC 8 Licking River Watershed (05040006). The bank will restore or re-establish approximately 13,873 linear feet of stream channel and the restoration will help offset the aquatic impacts from economic growth within the greater Columbus area. The restoration will return the degraded streams to stable systems and will improve and protect water quality and aquatic resource habitats within the Licking Watershed.

The bank is set to improve in-stream habitat by providing a more diverse bedform with riffles and pools, creating deeper pools and areas of water re-aeration, and reducing bank erosion. Another objective will establish native stream bank and floodplain vegetation to increase agricultural runoff filtering capacity, improve bank stability, shade the stream to decrease water temperature, and provide improved wildlife habitat quality.

Hodgson MB One - drone footage post channel construction

During Construction

Primary Service Area:
Licking HUC 8


Credit Type:


Project Goals

  • Create geomorphically stable conditions along the stream reaches through the bank area.
  • Improve water quality within the project area through riparian plantings, channel stabilization and subsequent reductions in nutrients and sediment loads.
  • Stream bank stabilization through installation of in-stream structures and establishing a riparian buffer consisting of native plant species.
Hodgson1 sitemap
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